Few of us might thought that there is also something else that fairytales teach us, namely about the sexual relations and the sexual act.
These stories act as moral lessons, preparing children to face the real world, but there is also another good and important reason why children should read these stories.
They also prepare the little ones for their future sexual lives and teach them about the sex drive. Hence there is a lot of sex in fairytales like “Little Red Riding Hood” or “Sleeping Beauty”
Let me clear up your mind!
From a fragile age, girls are prepared for what awaits them in the matter of sexual relations and their sexual lives, basically.
The plot of each story is a metaphor for the sexual act seen through the eyes of a woman. For example in “Sleeping Beauty” the needle that stings the princess is a symbol for a further on sexual act and the blood on her finger is a symbol for the blood a virgin loses during the sexual intercourse.
Every woman needs to figure out for herself what kind of a fairytale is she living and what kind of a prince would sooth her needs. The fairytales give us model or if you like a pattern for future sexual lives and sexual relations. They enrich it to some extent.
Little boys might feel compelled to follow the “prince” pattern in life. The road filled with obstacles to be conquered is an excellent metaphor for preparing them for the later on sexual relations. A perfect example for this is the forest from “Sleeping Beauty” which is covered in thorns and the prince has to penetrate it to reach his goal.
Now you can get the idea, right? This is a clear picturing of the symbolic sexual act in fairytales. Nowadays men don’t seem to have a desire to be a woman’s “knight in shining armor”. Maybe because they are somewhat compelled from a young age to fulfill the role of the savior.
As you can see, girls tend to enjoy and love fairytales because it gives them an advantage over boys, who have to work hard to reach their goals, meanwhile “the princess sits quietly in her tower waiting to be rescued”.
The end of fairytales is always symbolic. The prince takes the princess away on his white horse and they live happily ever after. The white horse signifies a new beginning, a different life, a different reality. The princess is taken out of her usual fairytale and she starts a new life with her prince. This signifies the begining of their sexual relations along with the beginning of a new life together.
Every fairytale ends here because these are all the life and sex lessons they basically need. Hence, read to your children the classical fairytales because they are great guidelines on life and they prepare them to face their future sexual relations and sexual lives.
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